First, this is us:
We love each other :)
Second, we are a crazy bunch:
If you couldn't already tell, this was 'holiday' themed
Here It Goes!
This past Friday, the freshman class ended our week with a little thing we like to call FTC (Freshman Touring Company). A tradition known to many as the best and most challenging semester of their time as a dance major here at the University of Michigan. It will be a time of love, hate, challenge, fun, and serious bonding time (helloooo Fridays 4-8!), but in the end, all the dedicated hours us freshman will spend together, doing what we love and are passionate about, will be worth every sweaty second.
For our first official rehearsal of 2012, Corrine Imberski, an MFA alum (1999) and Hillsdale College faculty member, graciously came to set a piece on us. There definitely was no waste in getting familiar with the movement — we dove right in! Learning new choreography is always exciting: it means a fresh start and particularly, movement which for the first time, the freshmen will do together. It was a long and grueling rehearsal, but filled with new excitement and eagerness. We'll be learning more next Friday! Below are some pictures from Friday's rehearsal:
We <3 #FTC (Let's get it trending!)
But then we got tired (and silly).
So did our very own snack boss, Jimi!
Look forward to next week's post as we start more choreography!